THE 30-DAY HEART TUNE-UP takes readers step by step through a revolutionary program to tune up their hearts, energy, waistlines, and sex lives, with 60 delicious recipes to help jump-start a heart-healthy diet.
Introduction to The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up
Doctor Steven Masley (the author of this book) has earned the following medical titles and honors.
MD – Doctor of Medicine
FAHA – Fellow of the American Heart Association
FAAFP – Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians
CCD – Certified in Clinical Densitometry
He is also a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of South Florida. The Tampa Bay Business Journal awarded Doctor Masley the Physician Health Care Hero Award, and he treats patients at his Masley Optimal Health Center in St Petersburg, FL.
The doctor’s work on turning back the aging process and beating heart disease has been seen on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), the Discovery Channel and the Today Show. He has conducted more than 250 interviews across multiple media channels. His accomplishments also include completing a chef internship at the Four Seasons restaurant in Seattle, Washington.
Nutrition is a important part of what Doctor Masley teaches, and to that end he has giving cooking demonstrations on multiple television appearances, as well as at the Pritikin Longevity Center. He previously published Ten Years Younger: The Amazing Ten Week Plan to Look Better, Feel Better, and Turn Back the Clock in 2007.
The Idea Behind The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up
The author would like to ask you a question. He wants to know if you would like to be “… younger, trimmer, fitter, mentally sharper, sexier, and prevent heart disease?” Not too many people would answer no to that question. If that was easily attainable, simply by making small lifetime changes for 30 days, who wouldn’t sign up?
The idea that you can obtain all of those desirable benefits for yourself in just one month is the promise behind The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up: A Breakthrough Medical Plan to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. Doctor Masley is an author, award-winning patient educator, physician and nutritionist. He has stated that it is his hope that by sharing his special 30 day process for making your heart healthier and stronger, you will see additional physical and mental benefits that will keep you on the path to smart nutrition and health.
He has dedicated his medical career to studying aging and heart disease. He says that his passion is “empowering people to achieve optimal health through comprehensive medical assessments and lifestyle changes.” Cardiovascular disease continually ranks as the number one killer of adults in the United States, and the idea proven through case studies is that the special 30 day heart tuneup plan in this book can help you prevent or reverse deadly heart disease.
How the Book Is Laid Out
The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up: A Breakthrough Medical Plan to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease is available as an e-book for immediate digital download, and also as a paperback, hardcover and audio-book.
The book starts off with a Foreword by Douglas D Schocken, MD. He gets right to the point when he says that “This book can actually change your life.” He makes the case that heart disease is beatable by making simple and specific lifestyle changes. Doctor Schocken then relates that his grandfather died from his first heart attack at age 67.
This was followed only 8 years later by his father suffering a heart attack at age 49 which ended his naval career and impacted his entire life negatively. Those events led to Doctor Schocken becoming a doctor, specializing in heart disease. He mentions his background as a way to illustrate his knowledge in the industry.
He then goes on to wholeheartedly endorse Doctor Masley’s 30 Day Heart Tune-Up program as effective for preventing, and reversing, heart disease. That Foreword is followed by My Promise. Doctor Masley then promises to
- Teach you how to understand the “real age” of your heart and blood vessels.
- Help you understand what your cholesterol numbers really mean.
- Deliver an easy to follow plan that reduces your heart disease risk “without surgery, drugs, invasive tests, or frequent and expensive trips to the doctor.”
- Deliver 60 delicious, heart healthy recipes and an eating plan you can personalize to your tastes and preferences.
- Show you how to feel and look trimmer, healthier, mentally sharper and sexier than you have been in over 10 years.
This leads you to Part 1, Getting to the Heart of the Matter. This is made up of the first 3 chapters, with Chapter 1 entitled The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up Breakthrough.
This chapter drives home the very real threat of heart disease for anyone that lives in a modern society. One scary revelation shows that 20% of heart attack sufferers had healthy cholesterol levels! In this way, and others, certain traditional cardiovascular measurements can be misleading.
The doctor relates his experiences treating people in “more than 15 impoverished countries.” He was shocked to discover that, even though these people were poor and living in underdeveloped nations, they suffered very little heart disease.
The ones who did inevitably had a diet which included processed food. You also learn that heart disease is preventable 90% of the time, simply by making small lifestyle changes.
Chapter 2 discusses some important Truths and Myths About Cardiovascular Risk Factors. These include the following:
- High cholesterol is the leading cause of heart disease. FALSE
- 2 out of 10 heart attack sufferers showed no symptoms before their attack. TRUE
- Eating shrimp increases your cholesterol level. FALSE
- Once you get on medications for high cholesterol or blood pressure, you are on them for life. FALSE
- You need to go past standard measures to know your heart disease risk. TRUE
- A high BMI (Body Mass Index) is a good indicator of a higher than average potential for heart disease. FALSE
- Not all saturated fats are bad for you. TRUE
Chapter 3 is titled How Young Is Your Heart?. Here you learn how to find out the “real age” of your heart. Chapter 4 begins Part 2 of the book, and is titled Eat Right For Your Heart. The exact 30-day eating plan for heart health is detailed here.
Chapter 5, Take Your Heart For a Spin, teaches you how to determine your current level of ability to exercise. It then details an exercise program to get your heart healthy. Handy step by step instructions and illustrations are included, so you perform each exercise properly.
Chapter 6 teaches you to De-Stress Your Heart by understanding hormones, not emotions, are causing the stress in your life. Steps to create a healthy hormonal balance are shown. In Chapter 7 you discover how to Tune Up Your Heart with Revitalizing Foods and Supplements.
This important chapter reveals what multivitamins and supplements to avoid and to include in your 30-day heart healthy plan. Chapter 8 helps you create a Sexier You. You learn how to “revitalize your sex life” in just 30 days! (Sure to be a favorite chapter for many.)
Chapter 9, Getting Started With the 30-Day Food Plan, does just that. This is where you begin to follow the proven recipe to heart health. Chapter 10 lists different recipes for each meal of the day, as well as yummy snacks, sauces and desserts.
The book then lists with 4 helpful Appendices. They include a BMI chart, recommended body fat table, daily calcium requirements and food fiber content display. Helpful resources, websites, exercise tools and recommended reading are then mentioned.
The final part of the book lists the very same supplements the doctor uses to complement his heart healthy lifestyle.
Who Benefits from The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up: A Breakthrough Medical Plan to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease?
If you have not been diagnosed with heart disease, you may not think you need to purchase this book. You may be in pretty good health, with your friends always complimenting you on how fit you are and how good you look. Even so, this book can save your life. High blood pressure is known as the “silent killer” for a very good reason. Often times the first and only symptom high blood pressure displays is death.
In other words, even if your mind and body are in great shape, your heart may not be. So if you are healthy, aren’t sure how healthy your cardiovascular system is, suffer from some heart condition currently or want to give the gift of a long, healthy and happy life to someone else, this book is an intelligent purchase.
It details in a very simple to follow 30 day program how to move your heart from “at risk” to healthy, strong and vital. A healthy heart is required for all of your internal and external systems and body parts to function properly. So don’t bet on chance, hoping that your heart is as healthy as it can be. Pick up your copy of The 30-Day Heart Tune-Up: A Breakthrough Medical Plan to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, and in 30 short days you will have your heart solidly on track to supporting a wonderfully healthy life.
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