Sports involve various physical demands and skills, from running and jumping to throwing, tackling, and kicking, among other physical requirements. In addition, extreme sports such as auto racing, skydiving, and bull riding are hazardous activities that place participants in significant danger. Some males tend to be enthusiasts for such dangerous, extreme sports.
Due to the variable demands of any given sport, injuries are all but inevitable. Injuries can materialize in many ways, from impact and collisions to poor mechanics and lack of strength and stability. In addition, injuries can also range from mild to severe, depending upon several factors.
Injuries are still a risk whether you participate recreationally or compete at an elite level. Physical stress, overuse, and accidental trauma are significant contributors to traumatic injuries, most prevalent in extreme sports.
The following is a discussion of the most common injuries related to sports and accidental trauma, how such injuries are treated, and what athletes and participants can do to minimize their risk.
Most Common Sports-Related Injuries For Males
The injuries suffered from sports are vast, with several causes and circumstances that lead to accidental trauma. However, the leading causes of sports-related injuries are lack of recovery, overuse, poor mechanics, and impact and collision.
While preventative measures are essential to minimizing risk and maintaining physical health, often, injuries are inevitable and unavoidable, hence why they’re called accidents.
Thus, even the most prepared athletes can still experience trauma and injury.
The following are five (5) of the most common sports-related injuries:
- Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
- Sprains and Strains
- Traumatic Knee Injuries (ACL Tears)
- Fractures
- Joint Dislocations and Separations
Concussions are a type of TBI, or traumatic brain injury, most commonly caused by traumatic impact or collision in sports like football, rugby, and hockey. Concussions result from the brain colliding with the inside of the skull leading to loss of consciousness and subsequent nausea, confusion, headache, and difficulty speaking.
Sprains and Strains
Sprains involve injury to ligaments, which attach bones to other bones, and strains involve injury to muscles. Often these injuries are less severe and will heal with time and rest. However, these injuries can lead to worse injuries, such as ligament or muscle tears, if they are not allowed to heal before return to activity.
Traumatic Knee Injuries
Traumatic knee injuries include tears of major ligaments, such as the ACL, and meniscus tears, most commonly caused by traumatic impact or accidental trips, falls, or twists. While these types of traumatic knee injuries typically require a lengthy rehabilitation process, the recovery has significantly improved over recent years.
One last point about knee injuries related to sport is that older individuals who were athletes at a younger age and sustained knee injuries have a very high incidence of osteoarthritis of the knee joints. Knee replacement surgery has been very successful in treating these patients and relieving issues of chronic pain in the knees.
Fractures, or broken bones, are most common in physical sports but can occur in various circumstances. Types of fractures include compound fractures, stable fractures, and comminuted fractures. Fractures may require surgical repair, depending on the fracture’s severity and level of displacement.
Dislocations and Separations
Dislocations and separations are injuries to the ligaments and bones of the major joints of the body (i.e., shoulder, elbow, knee, ankle). The most common treatments of such an injury include surgery and manual reduction of the injury.
Other notable traumatic injuries include spinal injuries, contusions, and lacerations.
The sports associated with a high risk of injury include cycling, football, soccer, and basketball. Other extreme sports to be included in this category are motorcycle racing, bull riding, skydiving, and auto racing. The injuries sustained in these sports can often be life-threatening.
Treatments for Traumatic Injuries
The first step towards effective treatment is paying attention to the signs and symptoms of your body, especially when it comes to traumatic injuries. Upon identifying the likelihood of injury, it’s imperative to approach a medical professional immediately, and in some cases, seek emergency attention.
Treatment protocols can be relatively simple or more complex depending on the severity of the injury.
The following are some of the most common and effective methods of treatment for the most common sports-related injuries:
- Surgery
- Pain Management
- PhysicalTherapy
- Contrast Therapy
- RICE Method (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
In the most severe cases, such as a knee injury or other traumatic injury, surgery will be needed to stabilize the injury and allow for necessary healing and subsequent return to sporting activity.
Treatment is also all about timing. Upon the occurrence of a traumatic injury, it’s imperative to seek immediate attention. The delay in care will only prolong the rehabilitation and healing process, ultimately escalating or worsening of the injury.
Final Thoughts
While injuries and traumatic accidents are a part of competitive sport, most injuries are treatable and sometimes preventable.
For those who believe they’re more prone to traumatic injury due to the nature of the sport in which they participate, consider taking more seriously a preventative and cautionary approach to training and preparation. Men who participate in extreme sports must be aware of the extremely high potential of injury.
Sports-related injuries and traumatic accidents can be debilitating, and the rehabilitation schedule can be overwhelming and discouraging. Yet, immediate proactive attention to any possible injury is the best advice for achieving the best possible outcome.
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